(Family Features) Summer travel is underway and finding time for a vacation can be difficult if you haven’t already booked your trip. Plus, between airfare, hotel stays and fuel prices, costs can add up quickly.
Whether you’re looking for a family-friendly adventure, romantic escape or relaxing getaway with friends, these tips can help you take a trip on a budget, even if time is at a premium and you had to wait until the last minute to sneak in your summer excursion.
Be flexible with dates: If you have flexibility in your travel dates, certain days of the week can yield savings. Choosing to fly midweek rather than on the weekend could mean paying less for airfare. Avoiding holidays can also help keep costs affordable. Use a fare calendar for flights and create price alerts to ensure you’re getting a good deal.
Use rewards to save on accommodations: Signing up for a travel rewards credit card can help you save on your vacation. For example, the Hotels.com Rewards Visa Credit Card (rates and fees) from Wells Fargo includes a limited time offer allowing you to earn three reward nights worth a total of $375 ($125 per night, excluding taxes and fees) based on qualifying purchases. Cardholders also receive silver membership benefits at select properties, which can mean free breakfast, Wi-Fi and airport transfers. Plus, there are no annual fees or foreign currency conversion fees (see terms).
Look for free amenities: When searching for your next stay, look for hotels that offer complimentary amenities such as on-site parking, breakfast and Wi-Fi. These popular amenities can help add convenience to your trip while also reducing expenses.
Take advantage of mobile app deals: Using travel apps to begin the trip planning process – especially for last-minute excursions – can save you time and money. Some companies offer free rewards and deals that can only be accessed through their mobile apps. For instance, Hotels.com Rewards members can save 10% or more at properties around the world by using the app or website and earn stamps for every night they stay.
Find more tips and resources for planning your next trip at Hotels.com.
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