Diary Of A Style Shark

How to Create the Perfect Valentines Day Look

How to Create the Perfect Valentines Day Look

Valentines Day is the perfect opportunity to show your significant other how much you care. But what if you're not sure how to create the perfect look? Luckily, we've got you covered. Follow our simple tips and you'll be looking gorgeous in no time. Create a Gorgeous Makeup Look. When it comes to creating the perfect Valentines Day look, choosing the right shade of lipstick is essential. If you want a bold and sexy look, opt for a dark red or berry color. For a more romantic vibe, go for a pink or nude shade. And if you want something...

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How to Dress for Success: Tips for Women

How to Dress for Success: Tips for Women

In today's competitive job market, it's more important than ever for women to dress for success. Your clothes send a powerful message about who you are and what you're capable of, so it's important to choose them carefully. Unfortunately, building a professional wardrobe can be expensive. But it doesn't have to be! With a little creativity and effort, you can put together a great work wardrobe on a budget. Finally, there are some basic do's and don'ts of office dress code that everyone should follow. By dressing appropriately for the workplace, you'll make a positive impression and set yourself up...

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Tne Ultimate Stain Removal Guide

Tne Ultimate Stain Removal Guide

Red Wine Dab with club soda, then cover with salt and let it sit overnight. If you're out at a restaurant, put salt over the stain immediately and let it sit. This will quickly/immediately absorb the stain. Allow about 10 minutes to let the salt seat. I learned this on my engagement trip with my husband in Paris at Cafe de Flores.  Beer Soak in cold water; pre-treat with stain remover and wash. Coffee and Tea Dab with white vinegar, then, wash.  Lipstick Scrape off excess color, then pre-treat with stain remover and wash.  Blood Soak in cold salt water...

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How to Style the Perfect Cozy Winter Outfit

How to Style the Perfect Cozy Winter Outfit

How to style the perfect cozy winter outfit? This is a question that many people ask as the weather gets colder. The key to a perfect winter outfit is layering. Different layers can create different looks. Start with a warm base layer. Choose a comfortable fabric that will keep you warm. Then add a stylish middle layer. This is where you can get creative with your outfit. Finish with a cozy outer layer. Pick a coat or jacket that goes with your overall look. By following these simple tips, you will be sure to stay warm and look great all...

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